Monday, June 13, 2011

Insurance Coverage For Your Cochlear Implant

The reality for most of us is that cost is a factor in making major decisions and purchases.  This printable page covers all the basic facts about how much an implant can cost, how much of that cost is covered by health insurance and how to start that process with your insurance company.  Use it as a reference to guide you through the process of checking coverage.  In the event that your insurance company does not cover Cochlear implants, manufacturer websites are included where you can find lots of useful information on other options.

For those who are overwhelmed by the thought of dealing with their insurance company, the OMS Insurance Group can help you navigate through the process.  If you are unsure of where to start, they can walk you through getting pre-authorized and verified as a candidate for a Cochlear implant.  More importantly, they are there to help you if your insurance company does not approve you.  Comprised of former insurance professionals, they know what questions to ask and where to submit them.  Start with their FAQ page to determine if they can help you. 

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